Can You Take Care Of Your Teeth Too Much And Damage Them?

Published: 31 August 2023

Author: Penny Meadow Dental

Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day, regularly floss, use mouthwash and avoid eating too soon after brushing.

These are just some of the common pieces of advice dentists will give, as in some cases people could do more to protect their teeth.

However, it is possible to be overzealous when it comes to cleaning your teeth and potentially do them more harm than good. This is why dentists will suggest cleaning teeth twice a day rather than after every meal, for instance.

It is important to know that when it comes to over-brushing and over-flossing, it is not just about how many times you clean your teeth but also the way you brush them.

For many people who are over-brushing, the issue is brushing too hard when they do brush them or brushing at the wrong time.

Brushing teeth is inherently an abrasive act where you are scrubbing away plaque and spreading protective ingredients from the toothpaste around your mouth. However scrubbing too hard wears away at the tooth enamel as well, weakening it and potentially revealing the dentin and cementum.

This is a common cause of sensitive teeth, where overly hot or cold foods cause pain, as well as spots on your teeth and recession of the gums.

There are plenty of ways to avoid this, however. Using a softer-bristled toothbrush will allow you to brush more vigorously without damaging your teeth, as will using a toothpaste that does not have abrasive agents such as charcoal.

Similarly, your teeth are at their most sensitive after eating or drinking, particularly if you have eaten something acidic such as citrus fruits. Drinking water instead can help you freshen your breath.

Ultimately, whilst cleaning your teeth is important, it cannot come at the expense of your oral health, so twice a day alongside a tooth-friendly diet is typically important unless there is a reason your dentist believes otherwise.