Foods And Drinks You Should Consume For Good Dental Health

Published: 10 August 2023

Author: Penny Meadow Dental

We often hear about the foods we should avoid for the sake of our dental health from our dentist, however there are many foods which are great for improving dental health and ensuring your teeth and gums stay strong and healthy.

One of these is dairy. Dairy products are packed full of calcium and this mineral is essential for the strength and health of your teeth and bones. Having enough calcium in your diet is essential in promoting the growth of tooth enamel, which helps to protect our teeth and reduce pain and sensitivity.

By consuming a healthy amount of dairy products such as milk cheese and yoghurt, you can ensure the protective outer layer of your tooth stays strong and supports the health of your teeth.

Fruits and vegetables are food groups which are fantastic for your teeth. Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, celery and cucumbers is great for your teeth.

These act as natural toothbrushes and help to clean the teeth, removing the build-up of plaque and tartar, leaving your teeth clean and shiny. They also happen to be great for your overall health, making the perfect snack.

Many fruits and veg also contain vital vitamins and minerals which helps to keep your gums healthy as well. Dark leafy greens in particular are packed full of folic acid, which can actually help to prevent gum disease.

One drink which is vital for healthy teeth and gums is of course water. This is essential for life and helps to keep us hydrated and healthy, but it also helps to keep our teeth in great shape as well.

Drinking water often flushes the mouth out, removing bacteria and leftover food and drink particles which could lead to plaque build-up. It also helps to keep your mouth and gums moist and hydrated which is essential for good oral health.