Is Snacking In The Office Causing Your Teeth To Deteriorate?

Published: 19 September 2023

Author: Penny Meadow Dental

There’s something about being in the office that makes snacks difficult to resist, but certain foods can have a detrimental impact on oral health, and could cause your teeth to rot.

Most people will be aware that biscuits and cakes are no good for teeth, with the sugar speeding up decay. 

Plaque on teeth reacts with the sugar to create acid in the mouth, which results in rotting. 

However, it isn’t just the obvious snacks you should cut down on but some others too. Tea, for instance, is a big culprit, as it can cause considerable staining to teeth, while sugar in your brew can cause cavities.

A tea or coffee break is a usual occurrence in the office, and some people can drink several cups a day. Even swapping to lemon or herbal teas can result in oral damage, as they can erode enamel, weakening teeth. 

Dried fruits are also bad for teeth, so even if you think you’re being healthier by choosing sultanas over biscuits and brownies, you could be doing as much damage to your mouth. 

This is because dried fruit is full of sugar, so it is best to swap them for fresh fruits instead. 

However, it is wise to be aware of the high sugar content of bananas, which have considerable amounts of fructose, sucrose and glucose. 

Other tropical fruits, such as pineapples and mangoes, are also sugary, while citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges contain lots of acid that causes enamel erosion. Instead, opt for berries as an alternative. 

If your office has a water cooler with ice, make sure to avoid the latter. It might cool you down on those long stuffy days in the office, but it can also lead to chipped, cracked or broken teeth if you chew on it. Ice has also been known to loosen crowns.