Top Tips To Relieve Toothache At Home

Published: 10 July 2023

Author: Penny Meadow Dental

There are few feelings that are worse than developing an excruciating toothache during a time when your regular dentist is unavailable, meaning that an emergency booking can sometimes take a day or two to arrive.

A toothache can arise for a number of different reasons, and can sometimes be somewhat innocuous. However, it can also be potentially a sign of a more harmful condition such as gum disease, a broken tooth or an infection.

As with any other medical or dental concerns, if you have any worries it is essential to book an appointment with your dentist, but if your next appointment may take some time, here are some ways to relieve the symptoms.


Avoid Fizzy Drinks And Extreme Temperatures

Most people do not really want to eat anything whilst dealing with a toothache, but if you do eat anything, try to avoid anything that might agitate the nerves in your teeth, which may be vulnerable.

This means avoiding fizzy drinks, sharp foods, acidic and sugar-filled foods, as well as very hot and very cold foods, which can be something of a nuisance in summer.

Instead eat soft, mild foods such as scrambled eggs or yoghurt and apply a cool pack to the outside of your mouth instead of trying to use ice directly on the tooth itself.


Do Not Stop Brushing

Maintain your dental routine as much as possible, as brushing and flossing will help to soothe the affected area, and rubbing toothpaste directly onto the sore tooth can provide a soothing effect that can help ease the pain.


Try Clove Oil

Cloves are typically used in cooking to create a spicy-sweet flavour, but they also have surprising pain relief qualities due to the fact that they contain the antiseptic eugenol.

Either apply a clove directly to the area or place a few drops of clove oil onto a small ball of cotton wool and apply directly to the tooth or painful part of the mouth.